Monday, May 20, 2013


So The Queen announced the theme for this week's "We Snapped" photo challenge:

Earth, Water, Wind, .... Moon & Sun?  Apparently The Craft copyrighted the four elements so we couldn't officially include fire in the them.  But I can roll with it!

I decided to make you your own mini-book with some words of wisdom.  Some of the photos are old, some are new.  Just a montage of stuff I had floating around on the flash drive and bookface.  What?  You thought I'd get my ass out there and actually WORK for this thing?  You have snapped!  I'm all about "work smarter not harder".  The Queen issues a proclamation, I'm gonna take the easiest route I know to complete it.  Plus, I've got shit to do.  We're leaving on vacation in less than 48 hours and 1) I'm not packed, 2) the kid isn't packed, and 3) I know The Queen.  Whenever we go on a real life vacation she has a Woodstock flashback and is camped out on my porch 36 hours before departure time because she's afraid all the good brownies will be gone if we don't get there early and pick out a good spot.

So without further ado, here are my photo picks for "We Snapped".  


  1. Knew we could count on you to do something totally awesome.. and way to show off my swim suit!

    1. Well it was either that or the one of you at the nude beach. I didn't want to turn my readers to stone! :P

  2. This kicks ass! Way to go Major.!

    1. Thanks Dutch! I expect we'll get a picture of your prize plants, a water bong, smoke from the hooka, and your bare ass as your submissions?

  3. Man, you kicked ass! Love those photos! Woot woot!

    1. Thanks Fargo! With a cop on the force it limited my photo choices. I had to nix the shallow graves, water boarding, crematorium, and moonlight bonfire photos. Figured you'd get pissed is I asked you to cover up more evidence ;)

  4. Shazamenelli! You are the cat's ass! Blew us out of the Water and threw us on the Earth after we got burned by the Sun and scattered into the Wind. Oh and you totally mooned our ass into shame.

    1. Oh Kate. I wasn't trying to show anyone up. I totally dig your photos too! My cat's are all feral assholes. They'd have left a picture of a defecated sand box, and empty water dish, the ripped window screens, and a moonlit wake-the-house-with-your-screaming mating ritual. You're lucky. I despise most cats but I think you're a keeper!
