At their best, Mondays are generally maddening for all of us. Okay, so maybe they aren't maddening for you good, righteous Christians who spend your Sunday basking in the light of glory. But the rest of us heathens spend it cussing at our children, begging them to have their shit ready in the morning, and fighting off unwanted advances from a husband who believes "I'm hungry and want to kill your child" is code for ass-grab/boob-squeeze SUPER COMBO! So needless to say, by the time we
shove walk our little
demonspawns darlings onto the
hallelujah caravan school bus
at the ass crack of dawn in the breaking dawn of morning while we
chug a fifth of whiskey sip our morning coffee... the last thing in the world we want to do is spoil the moment by getting ourselves ready for work.
So whether your Monday was mundane, mediocre, maniacal, or just plain 'meh', I bring you Monday Madness which is sure to make the rest of your week fly by... okay, that's a lie... I offer no money back guarantees when it comes to undoing the damage of a Monday (any day for that matter since the world is over-stupid-opulated allowing any day to become infected with Monday-itis). Still... reading my banter surely won't make your week any worse (unless of course I'm writing about you... in which case you probably fucked up my Monday and I'm just returning the favor!)